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Volker Maria Geiß

  • CEO

Volker Maria Geiß was Technical and Administrative Director (General Manager) at the Max Planck Institutes for Informatics and for Software Systems until May 2022. The institutes are located in Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate. In addition, he has supported the establishment of several Max Planck Institutes in Germany and abroad. Geiß has also advised research organizations outside the Max Planck Society, including the IST in Vienna and the CISPA Helmholtz Center in Saarland, during the start-up phase. Prior to his appointment as Managing Director at the ELLIS Institute Tübingen gGmbH, he worked as a consultant and project manager at Max Planck Institutes, including in construction matters. Before joining the Max Planck Society, he was a civil servant at Saarland University as deputy budget officer. Geiß is a graduate of the Fachhochschule für Verwaltung des Saarlandes.